Netflix download rules
Netflix download rules

You agree to use the Netflix service, including all features and functionalities associated therewith, in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, or other restrictions on use of the service or content therein. Except as explicitly authorized in these Terms of Use, you agree not to archive, download, reproduce, distribute, modify, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from, offer for sale, or use content and information contained on or obtained from or through the Netflix service." In the case of Netflix, your attempting to download the content goes again the Terms of Service you agreed to when you signed up: If by hypocrisy you're going to use the often cited "But you allow discussion of ripping DVD and Blu-Ray discs!", that, in most countries falls under fair use. There are other forums and sites that do allow discussion of your topic, none of which are allowed to be disclosed here.

netflix download rules

While it's your right to question them, the rule to disallow any discussion about downloading from subscription sites is there to protect the forum from possible DCMA takedown and to protect the forum members that do follow the rules from potentially being tagged as pirates. As with any forum, you agreed to follow the rules whether you read them or not.

Netflix download rules